Archive Videos


Sleep Disorders Educational Programming

What Every Physician Wants Their Patients to Know: Insomnia

10 minutes
Presenters: Jefferey Nelson, MD
Dr. Nelson is the director of a regional sleep center and cares for patients suffering from various sleep disorders every day. In this video sleep quality guidelines are discussed, as well as the various pharmacological strategies for the management of insomnia. Behavior modification is a key component of the treatment in most cases, and he explains the need for this as well as various methods the patient can use in order to ease the modification process. Insomnia is a frustrating condition for both patients and doctors, but can be successfully managed in most cases.

$75.00 USD

What Every Physician Wants Their Patients to Know: Sleep Studies

8 minutes
Presenters: Jefferey Nelson, MD
This video is designed for patients that are experiencing sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Dr. Nelson provides an introduction to what the patient can expect in dealing with a sleep specialist and sleep laboratory, and explains the importance of a sleep study in diagnosing and treating a variety of ailments that result from sleep disorders. The video is an excellent tool for physicians to use in patient education, and is also a valuable addition to college and university libraries. Of course, nursing schools and other professional schools will be able to use this outstanding video in their neurology and sleep disorder courses.

$120.00 USD
MEDIVISION ™ does not warrant the accuracy of this information, and it is intended as a supplement to, and NOT a substitute for, the knowledge, skill, and judgment of healthcare professionals. If you have questions about health care, please consult a physician or other health care professionals.